Our Approach

Jesus Youth USA approaches WYD as a pilgrimage. Our intention is to facilitate an interior disposition that allows pilgrims to experience the spiritual elements and encounter Christ in them.

Our Approach

Jesus Youth USA approaches WYD as a pilgrimage. Our intention is to facilitate an interior disposition that allows pilgrims to experience the spiritual elements and encounter Christ in them.

Our aim for pilgrims who come with us to World Youth Day is:

  1. To experience the universal Church in her expressions across cultures and countries, in her youthful vibrancy, and in her receptivity to the Holy Spirit in the world.
  2. To experience God’s personal call, find a resting place in His heart, and respond in freedom, amidst the intensity of the week’s events.
  3. To understand what joy, simplicity, courage, and mission mean in Christ through Mary.

how we do it?

Jesus Youth is an ecclesial lay movement that has been bringing pilgrims to WYD for more than two decades! Over the years, there has been a lot of learning in how to gain the most from this amazing opportunity and to ensure that cost doesn’t stand in the way of YOU joining the WYD pilgrimage.

Simplicity: Simple accommodations and flexible, inexpensive travel deals help keep costs low!

Community: Many volunteers donate their time and energy, and they also pray, accompany and give generously of themselves before and during WYD.

Spirituality: We know WYD can be overwhelming, but we take great care to help you hear God’s voice during these days!

The Journey

We encourage those seeking to grow in their faith and become missionary disciples to embark on a spiritual journey with us, to discover the depths of God’s love through the Church and respond like Mary, who “arose and went in haste” (Lk 1:39). Fiat, Ignite, and personal accompaniment have become an essential way for JY US pilgrims to encounter Christ and experience the universal Church.


A 7-month journey with Mary.

World Youth Day is an intense, tiring, exciting, and blessed experience, but it doesn’t happen by default or by magic. Attending monthly in-person or virtual meetings will ensure that the time, money, and effort pilgrims have set apart are matched with genuine preparation. Whether you’re a WYD alum or this is your first time, the spiritual preparation of Fiat is an integral part of making WYD a blessed experience. Material for in-person local gatherings will be provided by the WYD team and organized and led by local Fiat facilitators.


Gathering of JYUS pilgrims prior to WYD.

Pilgrims from around the country gather together to orient their hearts, minds, and bodies to more fully receive during WYD. A few days of physical activities, spiritual reflections, and fellowship help ignite the fire before traveling to Portugal, united in spirit!


As a missionary movement at the service of the Church, Jesus Youth US hopes that pilgrims encounter Christ in a deeper way in His universal Church. In addition to preparation programs, compañeros (group leaders) and seasoned youth ministers accompany pilgrims, providing both practical and spiritual support through the many interior movements that may arise. We are blessed to have priests, religious, and consecrated join us to offer guidance and their living witness.


If you need more information or would like to talk to someone, contact us at: