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We are thrilled to share an exciting update about the upcoming leadership gathering! After much prayer and reflection, we have officially named this event “Serviam 2025” with a special emphasis on Mary as our model.

The name Serviam (“I will serve”) may sound familiar, as it was the name of our 2020 Leadership Gathering. That event aimed to equip, encourage, and empower our leadership, and we witnessed incredible fruits from that weekend. Our hope is for Serviam to grow into a recurring program, offering our newly formed teams nourishment and inspiration tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the time. Each gathering will feature a fresh theme, with Serviam 2025 inviting us to explore Mary’s response to the angel’s call and reflect on how her “yes” inspires our leadership journey today.

Why Serviam?

We are bringing back the name Serviam to honor the legacy of the 2020 gathering while building something new. Each time Serviam is held, it will be shaped by the inspirations and needs of the moment. We hope this name becomes a source of anticipation, a call to serve, and a journey of leadership renewal for all who participate.

This weekend promises to be a time of spiritual renewal, thoughtful discussions, and deeper fellowship as we equip ourselves to serve the Lord and His mission through the Jesus Youth Movement. We are so excited to journey together at Serviam 2025! Let us prepare our hearts and minds for this special weekend, where we come together in the spirit of Mary and the disciples in the upper room to grow in faith, leadership, and mission.

Event Details

  • Date: Friday, March 14, 8:00 AM – Sunday, March 16, 12:00 PM
  • Location: Amoris Christi Campus, Delray Beach, FL
  • Cost: $150 (includes meals and accommodations)
  • Arrival: We encourage participants to arrive on Thursday, March 13, to ensure a timely start Friday morning. Dinner and accommodations will be provided that evening.
  • Departure: The event will conclude on Sunday, March 16, at noon, with lunch provided. Airport rides will be organized for Sunday afternoon and Monday morning (March 17) for those with later departures.

To register please reach out to your local Jesus Youth coordinator.


March 14
March 16
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