Pierced by Beauty
We will be co-sponsoring this webinar with the Diocese of Palm Beach and the St. Thomas Syro Malabar Diocese of Chicago. As you may know, Simi Sahu will become a consecrated virgin for the [...]
We will be co-sponsoring this webinar with the Diocese of Palm Beach and the St. Thomas Syro Malabar Diocese of Chicago. As you may know, Simi Sahu will become a consecrated virgin for the [...]
Jesus Youth around the globe will gather in small clusters for a 2 hour gathering. In each cluster people from different countries will be included. This gathering will help each person to listen and [...]
These local gatherings in small groups (COVID precautions permitting) invite the whole movement together for a time of celebration. Location Virtual Youtube Live Link > Date & [...]
Join Jesus Youth USA for World Youth Day 2023! Lisbon 2023 continues our journey with Mary! The Holy Father encourages all of us to remain with Mary and receive more from her Immaculate Heart. [...]
There is no doubt that it has been a long two years for the world. There have been struggles to live our faith with joy, not to mention [...]
“The hand of the Lord feeds us. He answers all our needs.” We who attended the National Eucharistic Revival were blessed to witness the most important event of our generation for [...]
September 2024 is being celebrated as the Month of Prayer in the Jesus Youth movement. Come join the 'Pray-Until-Something-Happens' Challenge! Your region will announce a location for a 'Day with the Lord', such as a [...]
Please contact formation@jesusyouth.us or your local formation base for any questions or concerns.
Join us for a journey of healing with your experiences of fertility, pregnancy or postpartum. Each week, you will be led through various areas of healing in the company of women who desire to support [...]
This webinar series is free and open to all. Session 1: Receiving Spiritual Leadership - Sept 25, 2024 (8-9pm EST) Session 2: Foundations and Spiritual Practices - Oct 2, 2024 (8-9pm EST) Session 3: Power [...]
https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-10/pope-7-october-to-be-day-of-prayer-and-fasting-for-peace.html Join Zoom Video Call for the Rosary at 830pm EST on October 7th Monday https://us02web.zoom.us/j/220812530?pwd=eStySEQySEpTNEtFeHNsRkpObGlBUT09 Meeting ID: 220 812 530 Passcode: 384698
Highlights video from the Taize weekend [...]